Category Archives: STARCRAFT

Journalism within E-Sports

I have had a passion to play computer games my entire life. I don’t really know where this passion comes from, perhaps it was watching my dad complete Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive, maybe it was because it was an excuse to not go out when i couldn’t be bothered. Whatever the deal my life of gaming lead my to the point where i wanted to actively become involved in the world of professional gaming.

I wrote a couple of articles for the UK’s biggest gaming team. Team Dignitas.
My first post i reached out to a selection of Starcraft 2 professionals (when i says professionals, they literally get paid to play the game, most of them on salaries.) asking about the upcoming release of the next Starcraft 2 game, which in fairness was someway off at the point of the article, however Blizzard had recently released a lot of things relating to it and there was a buzz in the community and a niche for this kind of article.

The piece was very successful, reaching over 100,000 on and had helped me gain some friends within the scene.

I ended up finishing my University degree and didn’t have time to continue writing, and unfortunately for a few months had to concentrate on my Final Year Project, missing everything to do with Starcraft. I then had a do i go back to it kind of moment. I had missed so much, i didn’t know who was good, who was on top, what tournament is happening where anymore. Alas i succumbed to watching Starcraft 2 again online through the various free streams and suddenly found myself over-awed at the entire gaming scene. I offered to write for Team Dignitas again, although they had no place for random journalistic articles like the one i had previously submitted and wanted only interviews and walk through ‘how to’ kind of articles. I tried my hand at the interview.

Although it’s not a great interview, the main reason with that being that Kas is Russian, and unfortunately his English wasn’t particularly great, which made his answers short and often making little sense.

That being said it made front page on the Starcraft2 section on (largely due to Kas getting a big result against a top Korean the day the article was released).

I decided i didn’t want to make anymore articles for Team Dignitas as I felt i wanted to create something worth reading, more so than just your bog standard interview which you find on every gaming website you go on.

Although i am not currently writing for anybody, i regularly visit to read the forums and keep up to date with what’s happening, and will happily write for another gaming organisation in the future should the opportunity arise!
#RaidenG writing!

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